Tag Archives: network

ONAP’s Great Potential: What It Means for Service Providers, Vendors & Enterprises

The telecom industry seems to have open source on the brain right now, and the Linux Foundation’s Open Network Automation Platform (ONAP) is one of the fastest growing open source projects out there. The orchestration and automation platform, which powers all stages of virtualization initiatives from design to life-cycle management, is poised to transform networks…

The Internet is Broken: A Look at IPsec Overlays, Sessions and the 128T Networking Platform Solution

Overlay networks and IPsec overlays have added complexity, making our networks too fragile and too expensive to deliver the security, control and agility needed to handle cloud, mobile, and IoT applications. In this blog, we’ll take a look at the challenges presented by IPsec overlays, the importance of being session-aware, and how the 128T Networking…

Fix the Router, Fix the Network: The 128T Networking Platform Solution

Which metaphor best describes your network infrastructure? An original equipment manufactured engine purring along like it’s run less than 10,000 miles? Or a patchwork of after- market parts running a little rough and you’re wondering what each new rattle or ping really means? If you were honest, it would be the latter – and you’re…